The Wounded Masculine is a Journey of Redemption, Not a Problem to Fix ..
But you can break out of its spell to align with your higher self now.
Frequency of the week 💌
How To Get What You Want, Break Out of Wounded Masculinity, and Align With Your Higher Self
If you believe your feminine energy is wounded, it's not. It’s not possible angel. The feminine principle is a devoted servant, unaware of the distinction between our imaginative visions and what we perceive as reality. The wound is the illusion, specifically the spell cast by the wounded masculine. (That's why I don't primarily concentrate on healing feminine energy) —she only appears wounded due to the influence of the masculine shield.
The key to liberation is to transcend this and merge with the influence of the higher self instead.
This week's episode is for the girlies finding it challenging to align, seek clarity, and ultimately guide your desires towards fulfillment, whatever they may be✨🌙.
Elevate your energy 🎧
A rebirth from Queen of the world to Divine Goddess
If you've been creating from a place of scarcity, not receiving what you’ve been manifesting, experiencing a disconnect from your creativity or grounding in projects, ideas, or relationships, please know that your system isn’t broken. In fact, you're on the precipice of a significant rebirth — a plan of redemption is unfolding.
Redemption isn't about erasing the past; the past is in eternity. Nor is it about healing, as often taught by the spiritual communities; it's about flipping the script.
We're not broken beings in need of fixing; we are perfect beings under the illusion of imperfection .. there’s a big difference.
Nonetheless, this wounded masculinity (queen of the world) serves as a wise guide, helping us seek out this truth. Think of it like this. Have you ever felt you were harboring a truth deep down, something you weren't exactly ready to confront, burying the emotions away? Neglecting your feminine energy cause you have life to do, or people to take care of?
Have you ever felt the urge to release or express something, hoping it would naturally fade away with time but it never does? You have the inner awareness that you could improve, you’re not blind to this at all .. yet something seems to stop you—whether it's fear, doubt, or an unknown factor.
You might even find comfort in this, fearing the activation of your feminine energy and the changes it will undeniably bring. This is the wounded masculine safeguarding you from its own intricate plan, leading you towards a symbolic death, which ultimately births a new beginning, as death and birth intertwine.
My point is this: the wounded masculine catalyzes transcendence, it’s not some useless mistake; it demands our attention for a purpose, rather than being something to dismiss or reject. It doesn't exist to keep you from actualizing a dream; it is the dream itself, in a fragmented state seeking salvation. It’s an inverted consciousness waiting for you to flip it over.
I can’t agree that the creator of the vast universe is like, "Oops, my bad bestie, I'll do better next time." Don't you think the creator of all things must be incredibly intelligent? A wisdom level out of this world, I'd imagine, animates life out of the dead. While it might sound super esoteric or overly spiritual, it's important to recognize that this wound is essentially a matter of perception, not an absolute truth.
If nothing else, believe me when I say that if you resonate with this sense of scarcity in your creations and demonstrations, you're not here reading this newsletter or stumbling upon the podcast by accident. It’s a part of your story, a stepping stone along the way to assist you in accessing your higher self—all of it is.
The wounded masculine actually WANTS to be set free by the higher self. It WANTS you to attain what you desire now or become the woman you dream about at this moment.
It is not your enemy, even in your most undesired state of being. It's not operating against you; rather, it's seeking its savior, which is love as a creative force. If you can sense this on a gut level, let me know. There's a simmering truth beneath your surface, urging you to bridge the gap between your higher self and your current self right now.